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Saturday, December 30, 2006

Owned By Labs

Yesterday, while sitting down on the floor, I was attacked but the most drippy thing that made the most horrible noises! Can anyone guess what it was?

Lab Puppy Big Wet Nose
Yep! You guessed right! It's a Labrador Retriever nose and it wants to know what you are doing at all times. If you are down on the floor, then it means you give yourself over to domination of the Labrador world and can therefore be licked, drooled on, or have a very wet and cold nose shoved into the smallest of places including your ears, neck, and even your mouth if you aren't careful! Beware one and all - the Labs are coming and it isn't pretty! *laugh*

(For those that wonder - this is Cheyenne being very nosey when I sat on the floor with her and Dakota. The camera was in the way of her giving me lots of very wet kisses!)


Sunday, December 24, 2006

Happy Graduation Cheyenne!

I am proud to announce that our baby chocolate Lab, Cheyenne, graduated from Beginner Education yesterday! She passed with flying colors and is one step closer to getting her Canine Good Citizenship (CGC) certification! Heck, she even helped with training some of the other pups in the class! Way to go Cheyenne!

But there is no time to rest. Dakota started her Intermediate Training on Friday and Cheyenne will be joining her in class starting this coming Friday. Both of our girls will be CGC certified at the end and be accompanying me to visit the local children's hospital, medical center, and senior citizen's center. Needless to say, we are so proud!

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Saturday, December 16, 2006


Too funny not to pass on!

Propaganda for Chocolate Lab World Domination
Show your support for the Chocolate Lab Revolution with this, "Obey the Chocolate Lab!" large Propaganda Poster Print. Also comes on a varity of apparel and collectibles!
Also check out Obey The Labrador Retriever! in other Lab flavors such as Yellow and Black Lab! The Labrador Retrievers have drawn a line in the sand, and you are either with them, or against them. Surrender to the authority of the Lab, and show that you support the Labrador Retriever's conquest for World Domination with official "Obey the Labrador Retriever!" propaganda.

>>Check Out Other Labrador Retriever Items Here<<


Tuesday, December 05, 2006

It's a Lab Thing!

It's A Lab Thing Long Sleeve T-Shirt
"It's a Lab Thing. You wouldn't understand." Plain and simply stated with an outline of a beautiful Labrador Retriever sitting in pride over such a statement that only a Lab dog breed owner could make! If you own a Lab (or are owned by one) then this is the product for you! Make your chocolate, yellow, or black Lab proud and let other dog breed owners know that Labs stand above the rest!

Get yours now!
