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Wednesday, June 10, 2009

We're Moving!

Yellow Lab Riding in Jeep
I know I have been quiet lately and I promise you that I have a very good reason. You see, there is so much that can be done with the Lab Brats blog the way it is. So, I have been thinking long and hard about it and have decided that in order to make the blog grow and become more of a community, it needs to move to it's own home.

Right now the Lab Brats Blog uses Blogger hosted on my own domain but the limitless Wordpress has so much more to offer all the wonderful readers of this blog.

So, I will be moving the blog within the next week. What does that mean to the loyal readers? Well, I won't be updating the blog in the next few days and instead spending my time to move almost 4 years of blog posts over to its new home.

In the meantime, you will not lose out on the life of the Lab Brats - I will do as my forefathers have done and keep a written copy until it can be properly published to our wonderful dog loving community!

Lab smiles!



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